Saturday, September 30, 2017


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 “If others can, why can’t I?” This idea has been long out in the open to inspire that each one of us is capable of finishing or accomplishing our battles. We are all called to the call of success. 


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   However, as we go through with our own quests, others stumble and get stuck to the undone task. Such thing also happens to my pupils who seem to just settle for less – getting tasks undone.

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Whenever I give tasks to the class, there are really those who cannot finish theseatworks, quizzes, and even exams. This truly kept me wondering. Are my exams really that lengthy? Are they difficult? However, on a lighter note, I have pupils who can finish the tasks with even a commendable remark. What is happening to these pupils who don’t even mind to follow the path of success?

                                  Reasons for unfinished tasks: 
1. Learners don't have enough time.
2. Others simply don't want to do it.
3. They keep themselves busy with other things.
4. Others do not know what to answer.
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Right there and then, I have realized to work more on these pupils, so they wouldn’t be able to say – Oh, my, the task just got away.

Friday, September 22, 2017


           Simple words like the ones used for greetings can truly touch a person's heart. A novice teacher like me has high regards for students who are sincerely courteous. Just because a teacher is new in the school, others just keep their cool and seem not to care at all. Students who greet teachers are verily commendable in these changing times. Luckily, I found one in my class. 

              There’s this one brave soul, a half-Lebanese and half-Filipino, who certainly moved me beyond my expectations. Even if his physical characteristics signal that he’s a foreigner, you would know by heart that he is a Filipino because of his traits that are truly admirable. He truly is remarkable because he also has a sense of humor. Despite all these overwhelming characteristics of his, he has multiple personalities inside the classroom. Kids, young as they are, can be really erratic at times. 

              Above all these unpredictable patterns of his behavior, there’s this one thing that this kid always does. The moment he arrives in the classroom every morning or wherever we meet in the hallways, canteen, library, or outside the school, he never forgets to say, “Hi, Teacher Erika!”, or “Good day, Teacher!” Indeed, this kid, without his knowing, has given my teaching life a delight. Despite the fact that students’ attitudes toward greeting or respecting teachers are currently deteriorating, I am still thankful that I have one who is sincere to make me feel that I am respected. This guy who always says “Hi” will never be forgotten as the days pass by.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Expect the Unexpected

      The year, 2016, was truly a blast for me. This year marked my official career as a teacher. In my first year of teaching, I really had a difficult time handling my first advisory class. Facing them each day was like a nightmare for me for the first few months. Anybody from the faculty would always say that my pupils are really hard to deal with because of their uncontrollable noise and behavior. Indeed, these kids gave me a baptism of fire in my first year of teaching. 

However, they have proven me wrong as time passed by. These kids have genuine hearts as well. Before, I really thought that I was just nothing for them but just their plain teacher. It may sound cliché, but it is true that we should really expect the unexpected. My pupils didn’t fail to amaze me on my special day. The unexpected birthday party that my pupils have prepared for me truly moved me. Such event was beyond my expectations.

          I was definitely taken aback. I never expected that my pupils would do something for me since I have been reprimanding them all the time. Their sincere messages and sweet hugs made me realize that these kids, although they get so naughty most of the time, have big hearts too. Both of the sections that I handled deeply moved me with their simple but meaningful surprises. I was truly overwhelmed during that time. I was really touched. This greatly gave me a humbling experience as their teacher. Their words changed my perspective over them. I knew from Day 1 of the school year that I love them; I wasn’t just sure if they also feel the same toward me. I cannot really contain my happiness. My feelings on my 22nd birthday cannot be put into words.

      Truly, unexpected things come in different packages. I am just so grateful that mine was such a humbling experience – an experience that I will never ever forget. 

Friday, September 1, 2017

What else is my passion?

Aside from teaching, what are the other things that I am passionate about?

Well, I have a fair share of things that I am passionate about aside from teaching. Since time immemorial, I have been dreaming to decorate my own classroom. Truly, when the odds were in my favor, last school year, which was actually my first year also in teaching, I was given the chance to handle an advisory class. This responsibility gave me an avenue to fully realize my dream – to decorate my own classroom.

Since I like doing letter cutting and designing colorful visual aids, I have embraced these tasks of a teacher without hesitation.  This might be a tiresome job for some. However, in my own perspective, this task helps the teachers to develop their artistic side.

Quotes posted on the wall of my first classroom
So, when I was given the task to be a Grade Six adviser last year, I knew right there and then that I would be decorating my own classroom! Then, I conceptualized a design that was also appropriate to the grade level that I was handling. Doing the whole thing wasn’t really an easy task. However, I also wondered why I never get so tired of decorating my own classroom which I also considered as my second home. That was when I realized that doing such is definitely one of the things that I am passionate about.

Name of the section that I handle last school year

Name of the section that I am handling this school year
This school year gave me another chance to do this one of a kind passion again. I was tasked to handle the same grade level that I had before. At this moment, I anchored the theme of my classroom to my section’s name – Chalcedony. Blue Chalcedony is a demure crystal, subtle and mystic, cool and serene, ethereal yet solid. Since summer, I have worked hard to achieve the total effect of this concept. 
Welcome message

The quote posted above of the glass board reminds my pupils not to take each day of their lives for granted.
Decorating a classroom absolutely requires full commitment and dedication since we will be providing our learners an attractive and conducive learning place. This task shapes the atmosphere of the class and sets the mood of our students towards learning. As a teacher of the millennials, I have realized that this task must be properly done, so my learners could feel that their classroom is not just a plain room but also their home. 
Christmas decoration last school year

Christmas decoration last school year

Christmas decoration last school year


Rapport is nothing more than a connection you make with your students based on their positive feelings for you. When they like you and tr...